27 Aug 2012

Wall-E Robot (object/face recognition, sound recognition, AI)

[ 27/08/2012 ] Test 1 - Colour Tracking

[ 05/09/2012 ] Test 2 - Servos and motor driver

[ 08/09/2012 ] Test 3 - Controlling Wall-E from PC

[ 11/09/2012 ] Test 4 - Speech Recognition


Flow chart

PC -------->-------->--------> Robot (Arduino)
PC < ------<--------<------- Camera (wireless)

PC -----> Bluetooth ------> Air -----> Bluetooth -----> Arduino

7 Aug 2012

First Android App controls android via bluetooth LEDs

A fairly simple one. I will only describe how the seek bar works, and part of how commands are recognized by arduino (arduino code). I will do another one about bluetooth another day.